So I haven't given up on this blogging thing. Well not really.
While you might disagree seeing that I haven't written in months... (yes that long!) I can assure you I am going to try and do better. I have been so busy with life. Two kids, vacations, church, worship and more can make a busy person busier. ACK! But I was very inspired by one of my friends, "J" and I have very much enjoyed her blog so I decided it was time for me to dust of the keyboard.
Anyways, onwards. I have been rather disturbed by all the negativity regarding the Casey Anthony trial. Don't get me wrong, (I personally am not God so I can't say with absolute certainty that she murdered her...) if she did murder her child, it is very sad. I obviously don't condone murder. It's a sin and a big one. However, I believe this woman is sick.
But onto my main point:
I have been distressed at all the comments and people so angry towards the jury and the trial. What I am not understanding is where is the faith? Faith in our Father the one who truly gives justice??
Hebrews 10:30: 30 For we know him who said, “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,”[d] and again, “The Lord will judge his people.”[e] 31 It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
So clearly here we see that we need to trust in God. Not all things are right with the world. There are people hungry, being abused and people lying, cheating and stealing. This happens no matter what country, state, province, large land body or whatever you live in or on. Our job, our assignment is to until all things are right, when we are sitting at the right hand of our Father, to bring Heaven to earth. To bring God's kingdom here. To reach out and heal the sick?
Could this have been different if someone had reached out and said to Casey, "can I pray with you"? There could have been a number of different outcomes. She could have been healed of these things going on!!! What an amazing thing that would have been.
So I just encourage us all to lean into God's faithfulness even when we can't see the whole picture. To reach out to those who need more of Jesus in their lives.
Let's be looking for opportunity to reach out to God.
So I will leave you with a personal story:
Just a few weeks ago on Father's day I was at a restaurant where an older lady was with three younger children alone. She seemed frazzled, stressed and like she wanted someone to lean on. So as we were about to leave I asked her if I could pray with her. She agreed and right there I prayed with her. She was grateful and I saw her leave with some hope. Turns out she is related by marriage to a Vineyard pastor in the Southeast area. Very cool.
I don't know how it will turn out or what will happen but I know I am being faithful stepping out in Him to see what he wants to do. LOVE it.
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